
A modern JavaScript & Typescript MongoDB-based utility library allowing to develop common app requirements incredible simple.

npm install mongodash

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const mongodash = require('mongodash');

await mongodash.init({ uri: 'mongodb://' });

See more initialization options here.

Cron tasks

const { cronTask } = require('mongodash');

await cronTask('my-task-id', '5m 20s', async () => {
	console.log('Hurray the task is running!');


See detailed description and more cron tasks methods here.


const { withLock } from 'mongodash';

await withLock('my-lock-id', async () => {
  // it is quaranteed this callback will never run in parallel, 
  // so all race-conditions are solved
  const data = await loadFromDatabase();
  data.counter += 1;
  await saveToDatabase(data);

See detailed description here.


const { withTransaction, getCollection } = require('mongodash');

const createdDocuments = await withTransaction(async (session) => {
  const myDocument1 = { value: 1 };
  const myDocument2 = { value: 2 };
  const collection = getCollection('myCollection');
  await testCollection.insertOne(myDocument1, { session });
  await testCollection.insertOne(myDocument2, { session });
  return [myDocument1, myDocument2];

See detailed description here.


const { getCollection } = require('mongodash');

const myCollection = getCollection('myCollectionName');

See detailed description here.


const { getMongoClient } = require('mongodash');

const mongoClient = getMongoClient();

See detailed description here.

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